Sending money to a person in the Broome County Jail.
1. Online via the Access vendor site: go to , type in the person’s name, and you can charge it to a debit or credit card. There is a fee, e.g. $5 for a $20 deposit, yes that’s a 25% surcharge. Use a debit card if at all possible, since most credit card companies add on an additional $10 fee for a “cash advance”.
2. Closed during COVID shutdown: Through the Access ATM kiosk just inside the entrance to the jail visiting building using cash or credit card; fee: $4 for any amount. Use a debit card if at all possible, since most credit card companies add on an additional $10 fee for a “cash advance”.
You should expect 3 to 4 days before someone inside is notified of the deposit into their commissary account.
Sending vendor food to a person in the Broome County Jail
Prior to 2019 only food packs could be sent to incarcerated persons. Once you open an account with Access Securepack you may now order individual items that are delivered twice a week in the jail. There are times when persons are excluded from receiving orders; Access will tell you if this is the case.
Updated: July 19 2020