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April 18, 2024 Press Release from JUST
JUST asks Webb and Lupardo to Support and Cosponsor Legislation
JUST Received $7,000 Grant with Assistance from Senator Lea Webb
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book drive event 1/19/2024 BU campus 1:00-2:30
More Coverage on Makyyla Holland’s Victory
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JUST Press Release: Vega’s Victory
For Immediate Release
Justice and Unity in the Southern Tier (JUST)
October 1, 2023
Contact: justice.southern.tier@gmail.com
Celebrate Taej’on Vega’s and Legal Services of Central NY win against the Broome County Jail
Today we celebrate another movement to justice: the striking legal decision that came down in favor of Taej’on Vega’s abuse case against Broome County and BC Jail Correction Officers.
On February 11, 2020 he was handcuffed, dragged across the floor of his cell, stripped naked, and beaten, leaving him badly bruised and sexually and mentally traumatized. Like many others, Taej’on had been denied prescribed medications for his mental health disabilities; like African Americans in the jail, he was called the n-word repeatedly. In June 2020 Legal Services of Central NY filed a lawsuit on his behalf. (Fuller background from that time may be found here.)
The Court’s decision confirms the County and its officers gave misleading testimony regarding incidents at the jail, failed to provide and maintain basic evidence, and engaged in a coverup of video and other evidence. Multiple requests by the County’s lawyers to dismiss the case were denied. The decision is here. A final financial settlement will likely come in the near future.
We thank Taej’on and his mother who so diligently pursued the case at considerable personal cost.
This decision follows in short order the transgender rights victory of Makyyla Holland and the NYCLU in their lawsuit against Broome County, the Sheriff, Undersheriff, officers, and medical staff as reported. Under that settlement Broome County committed to prevent further discrimination and violence against transgender, bisexual, gay, intersex, and lesbian people in the county jail. NYCLU provides details in their press release here.
Officers cited in these and related abuse and wrongful death lawsuits remain on duty at full pay.