Protest against the abuse of women, youth, and those incarcerated in the county jail grows. As recently reported, the long-standing lawsuit on the abuse and isolation of juveniles in the BC Jail came in: a complete victory. For the kids in the jail, this is a major advance: no more isolation units, hopefully no more beatings and pepper-spraying of kids locked into restraint chairs, hopefully some education and treatment.
This puts the Sheriff and County on the defensive. Yet rather than leave in disgrace if not under indictment, the Sheriff is still running for reelection despite the documented brutality. A recent op-ed on the abuse of women adds fuel to the fire (see Arnold and Pleus: Women have no privacy).
JUST members and friends, alerted to the Sheriffs brazen reelection effort, bravely and warmly rallied in snowy weather on April 18, 2018 outside his fundraising event. Public awareness and support for justice and well-being and against abuse, deaths, and unnecessary incarceration grows.
Newspaper article: April 23 2018 Pipedream on Rally. Pictures and flyer below.





